
Showing posts from May, 2009


june 1st the moon enters libra, the sign of partnership. how is yours doing? mercury is direct (thank goodness). anyone have any misunderstandings the last 3 weeks? the full moon will be next sunday june 8th at 2:12 pm. have a good week.

peony in bloom


my friend at the collingswood may fair


john falco and family

saw john falco at the collingswood may fair...with his lovely wife and beautiful children. he was waiting for his band 'if'n' to go on stage. great to see him.

goodbye mr. panda bear

here's a post for mr panda bear, the best companion dog i ever had. i will never forget him and i'm grateful for the 14 years i spent with him. what a dog! i told him to wait for me in the happy hunting ground. there will never be a better dog and friend.

accupunture at Dr. Xu's at 931 arch st #202 allergies are curable with accupunture. no other medicine could relieve me of my 6 months a year allergy. it's a miracle. back pain is also gone. need an immune system boost? dr. xu can help you. give it a try. 215- 627-8209