New Moon in Libra on Monday October 12th 2015 (Click for astronomy lesson)

Enjoy the New Moon on Monday October 12. It will not be visible in any area of the sky because the sun and moon are lined up and therefore the moon will be obscured. It will occur in the middle of the sign of Libra. The new moon is a time of new beginnings. The sign of Libra rules partnerships. Remember to each air openly the issues (no name calling!...or spitting!) and then try to be creative and find a way to fulfill both of your needs. Comprimise and communication are highlighted. Take time to focus on yourself and ask yourself some questions. Am I my mind? Am I my emotions? job...etc. Then see who is asking the question...and who is behind that? Who is always at peace and watching the show? Click on title link for an astronomy lesson. Love to all. M


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