Mercury Retrograde Thursday 4/28/16 til 5/22/16 (click title for song)

Well here it is again! Mercury retrograde is a good time to redo, renew, renovate, get it, don't you? So yesterday my car is squeaking over bumps and of course I have to fix it right away before merc goes retro. Right? It checked out with 'can't find anything wrong with it'. So tomorrow another place will check it out. Here we go. The washer is also squeaking - the belt perhaps. Do I replace it now? Shall I wait 3 weeks and get a new one then? Let you know the update.
This is a good time to go over plans, rethink things, etc. Wait for beginning new projects. Good time to 'go within'!
Mercury - note the wings on his hat!

Yesterday I ran the washer and the squeaking was gone. Then I put the car in the shop and it turned out the noise was my back seat squeaking because I didn't click it in properly. (I have a hatchback). So may all your problems be little ones like mine. 


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