Full Moon in Aquarius on 8/7/17 {click for song} and mercury goes retrograde 8/12/17

The full moon in Aquarius occurs on Monday. There will also be an eclipse at this time. Since it is a moon eclipse women will be more affected than men. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarians who are born in the middle of their signs (around 15 degrees) will feel the affects of this eclipse. It may bring changes within 3 months. The changes will depend on the house and planet involved. It will energize those who are affected. Perhaps a change that you've been delaying. Aquarius is intuition and Leo is a fire sign filled with enthusiasm.
Mercury will be slowing down which makes it appear to be going in reverse motion. That is why it is called 'retrograde'. This lasts 3 weeks 8/12- 9/5 so, sign those papers and attend to business quickly! Good for reflection, writing, meeting old friends and of course meditation. {0hm.m.m.m}
Lots of energy at this time. Slow down and 'be here now'


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