
Showing posts from August, 2009

off to the monster convention in cherry hill, nj

these heads are props for the movie 'blood night the legend of mary hatchet' ...the film is based on an urban legend from hempstead, long island. more has been added to this legend for the movie. more heads i see the trailer go to: it's scary.

monster convention

creating a monster..

encounter with chris

look who i bumped into ...some teeth!

august new moon

thursday august 20, 2009: time to pick a creative project to work on with the new moon in august.the new moon is in the sign of love giving...leo. remember to love we need to love ourselves first.

vegetables in the garden

i planted some squash and was happy with the tender yellow squash. someone told me to wrap tin foil around the root to keep troublesome things from happening to the squash plant. it worked! the tomato plant was another story.i read that you should hang a red colored ball on the tomato plant. when the birds or animals come to eat it they will see it is not edible. i hung a red apple decoration on the tomato branch. no bugs...beautiful tomato... ripened perfectly. apparently, the heat and rain disintegrated the red decorative apple and it (whatever 'it' was made of) seeped into the soil. so i had to toss the whole thing. better luck next year.