
Showing posts from 2018

The Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line


The for song


New Moon in Sorpio 11/7/ for song

The new moon on Wednesday 11/7/18 is in the sign of Scorpio. It is a good time for communication and making a list of wishes. This is an intense time. Try to think things through before speaking. Set yourself on your personal path to success. This path is your sacred dance which you are here to do. It is important to do what is our deepest drive...not someone else's. It can be spiritual...a time to deepen the knowledge of 'who am I?'. It could also be a business you are planning to start. Good time for beginnings of all kinds. Make the most of this intense personal time. Don't forget gratitude for all we have. Remember to reach back and give back. The photo is of the turtle climbing up with the little turtles following. Scorpio is a sign symbolizing rebirth.

(Click here for song)Full Moon @ 3 Pisces 8/26/18

The real vs the dream. This full moon accentuates the duality of perfection vs reality. There is stability (Saturn sextile) and inventiveness(Uranus sextile). On Wednesday 8/29 Neptune joins the Pisces moon adding some mystery and/ or confusion. Good for music, and the arts in general. Pisces is a spiritual sign. Make time to refresh your spirit. Whatever your favorite way is to connect with your inner Spirit.

Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius 5/29/18 (click for song)

May is the most flower filled month, hence the name. This event on May 29th is assisted by a grand trine (big triangle) in the sky of Venus (Love, beauty, peace), Jupiter ( luck, maximizes all, blessings) and Neptune (dreams, spiritual, mystical, psychic). Let's all imagine a world of peace and love. On another level great time for creativity - inspired music, art, writings, etc. Let's get busy and create! Most important is gratitude for our many blessings🌺🎨🎠🍀🎶always a great time for meditation💖


RUMI... 'Whoever brought me here.'

Full Moon in Scorpio (click for song) 4/29/18

Welcome to the full moon weekend. This Taurus -Scorpio event focuses on finishing up with projects and issues. The Taurus Sun keeps us grounded while the Moon in Scorpio asspected by Saturn helps us see the reality of what we are dealing with. Acceptance is also another step to keep us moving on and unstuck.

New Moon in Pisces (click)

Image Click on above for 'no moon' song from 'Titanic' the musical. This new moon brings us an opportunity to look at some of our 'stuff' that we tend to 'stuff'. Pisces Sun and Moon join to give us a look at our 'dream'. The light of reality (Uranus) will give us insight and a chance to understand and awaken from our dream. Some say 'life is but a dream'. Mars is involved which may imply an irritating situation that may need rectification. New beginnings with greater understanding (Jupiter) are possible at this time. Enjoy the dream and reality.            

Full Moon 3/1/18 in Virgo (click for song)

Image Happy full moon! Enjoy the energy of music, art, dance, imagination...otherwise known as Neptune which is joining the Sun in Pisces. Remember 'feelings are like snowflakes'. Good for meditation and spiritual pursuits.                    

Bluebird - Leon Russell

New Moon 1/16/18 in Capricorn (click for song by the 'band')

New moon in Capricorn represents an opportunity for organizing, budgeting, making a plan for yourself in an area of your life that needs work. The new moon is a time for new beginnings. Capricorn is not spontaneous but an aspect from Uranus to the planets Venus, Sun and Mercury will bring about some unusual incidents this month. The truth behind many things may surface. Mainly this is an opportunity to get in touch with our spirit, that which always is and will be. Enjoy the new moon and the freedom it brings!❤