January Full Moon 1/20/19 Wolf Moon, Supermoon and Blood Moon (click for music)
This full moon is also an eclipse which sets things in motion for you if you have planets close to 0 Leo, 0 Scorpio, 0 Aquarius, and 0 Taurus. It could also be the last degrees of the sign before. The lunar eclipses effects women more than men. It may be a rebellious time. The Aquarius Moon (the people) vs. the Leo Sun ( the king). Once again an interesting time. That which you have put energy into should give out a report card at this time. You will know where you stand and can decide to proceed or change your course. Venus, Jupiter and Mars are in good aspect which will encourage those in artistic pursuits. there are 3 planets in Capricorn which helps us keep our feet on the ground. Mercury and Pluto are joined in Capricorn which doesn't look good for compromise. Each side has to give a little. Wednesday perhaps a compromise can be reached. Remember to make a gratitude list. Think of 3 things a day that give you gratitude. Try to find the quiet still point within where all is...