
Showing posts from August, 2019

New Moon in Virgo 8/30/19 (click for song 'no moon at all')

Virgo is ruled by Mercury who was the mythological messenger of the gods. He is commonly a symbol of the FTD florists. Keeping all that in mind, you can see it is appropriate that all messages are ruled by Virgo and Mercury. It is a time to organize (yes I've been going through all my books, purses, and jewelry and donating). Make a list, and since Mercury is critical, how about making a list of all your wonderful qualities and then a list of things about yourself you would like to work on. The sign Virgo stands for discrimination. Are we working in a direction that will benefit our goals, or are we self sabotaging? If we want positive results in our lives we must work in a beneficial way to achieve these goals. Spiritually, the kind and loving direction is usually the way to go. 🙏💕      New moon is wish time!                                            ...