Poem: 'Remembrances of Dad' part2

i watched pieces of you disappear.
first, you staggered due to a stroke...i remember walking you out of the hospital...
your one hand clutching your belt the other my arm...

like a baby you'd turn your head back to look at me as i pushed your wheelchair.
those same watery blue eyes smiling at me as you cried tears of joy-
i guess you thought i was nana...or mom.

 wordless, we'd hold hands and you'd cry each day when you saw me...
i'd cry when i left you- sobs rocking me-
'please god let him go...'
it was new year's eve. you had the flu.
i sat on your bed watching the priest sprinkle you with 'holy' water...
i held your hand...you kissed it like mommy did before she died.
i told you mom was waiting and not to be afraid. 
i said the prayers you used to like...

i still cry.


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