Strawberry Full Moon- Tuesday June 2nd, 2015 ---click for song---
click above for names of the full moons from 'farmers almanac'.

Full Moon in Sagittarius 6/2/15. Let's sit up all nite

and discuss existence. What is your theory? Call me when you get to the 'other side'. What is your vision of life? I love this joke: a woman complains to her guru (teacher), 'my husband wants to boss me around all the time. He won't let me make any decisions'. Her husband sits waiting for the answer. The teacher says, 'the wife makes all the unimportant decisions, like what house/car you buy, what school the children go to...etc. You are the man so you make the important decisions, like does God exist or not!'.
Time to look at the BIG picture and let the little stuff slide. It is what it is.
How about 'Warped Passages' by Lisa Randall & 'The Holographic Universe' by Michael Talbot.


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