New Moon in Pisces 3/8/16 and Solar Eclipse (Click Title for Astrud Gilberto's 'Fly Me To the Moon')

The new moon occurs at 18 degrees of Pisces on Tuesday March 8th. It is also a Supermoon and a total Solar eclipse. The moon is called 'supermoon' because it is closest to earth at this time and will appear larger. If your birthday falls on the 8th of the month in March, June, September, or December you may expect some action. the Eclipse at this point will energize the area where it falls in your chart, eg. the eclipse falls in my 6th house of work, health and service. These areas will be highlighted for the next 3 months. Jupiter, the greater benefic,will be oppose this new moon. The problem with Jupiter could be excess. I will try to curb my 'kit kat' cravings. Optimism and idealism might be prevelent. Be sure to check the reality of the situation before acting. The keyword for Pisces is 'I believe'. It is important to double check your facts. Pisces is creative, 'the dreamer', empathetic, and escapist. Share your dream/creation with the world through painting, music, writing or some other creative act. This is a great time to spend time in meditation or self inquiry. Have a great eclipse! Don't forget to make your new moon wishes.


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