Full Moon in Taurus 10/31/20 (click for song)

Harvest Moon 

This full moon will have a strong Venus influence. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Perhaps a creative weekend or time to fall in love again? Mars, the god of war will be going offstage for a while. On November 3rd Mercury will be speeding up. There will be less confusion and misunderstandings.Why not plan a Full Moon meditation? Time to get in touch with that which is unchanging. It might be fun to delve into that great inner space which is full of emptiness.


Unknown said…
How long will Mars be out of the picture?
stargazer8 said…
Saturn and Pluto have been close in Capricorn and Mars in Aries has been in a stressful aspect on and off with those two tough guys August thru October. Saturn is moving away and this will subdue the intensity. The main astrological message is 'this too shall pass'.
Unknown said…
Glad to see this good news

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